The bad news is that it can be difficult to learn the basics of safety on the internet. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. In this mega guide, we’ll provide you with practical advice that will help you use a computer and the internet without getting burned. So let’s get started!

Learning Good Cybersecurity Habits

But as we get older, we learn that some of these rules may not always be true. For example, sometimes it’s okay to get in a car with a stranger. And sometimes it’s not. We just have to figure out what the rule is for the situation at hand.

Many people don’t have the same sense of common sense when it comes to the digital world, which is why there’s a need for technology that is adapted for the digital world.

Use Strong Passwords & a Password Manager

Passwords are still one of our best defenses against getting hacked. Most sites will have a minimum password complexity. For example, they’ll say a password must be a certain length and contain a particular mix of character types. Unfortunately, any sort of password that is easy for humans to remember is likely to be one that can be broken through brute-force guesses sooner rather than later. ..

Using a password manager is one of the best ways to protect your computer from hackers. These managers keep track of all your passwords and will generate randomized strong passwords that are almost impossible to guess using brute force or any other password cracking method. ..

Google Chrome already has a password manager built in. You can generate strong passwords within the browser and sync them to the cloud. So wherever you’re logged into your Google Account, you can retrieve passwords with ease. ..

Password Protect Everything

It’s important to have strong passwords for your computer, phone, and tablet. You should also be familiar with your device’s biometric kill-switch if it has one.

This command or keypress disables anything on your device, except for password entry. For example, if someone forces you to hand your computer or phone over, they can’t access it without your code. However, they can point the camera at your face or place their finger on the fingerprint sensor.

Use Encryption Wherever Possible

Encryption is a security measure that scrambles your data so that it can’t be read without the correct key. For example, websites that start with “https” use a secure encrypted method of sending data. So only you and the receiving website know what’s being said. ..

Your IP address is like a unique identifier for your computer. It’s like your driver’s license number or social security number. Anyone inspecting the data packets as they pass through various stops on the internet only knows your IP address and the address of the page you’re visiting. ..

end-to-end encryption is a type of encryption that stops even WhatsApp itself from knowing what’s being said in your chats.

Don’t Trust Anyone Blindly

The biggest risk you face when online is from impersonation and anonymity. When interacting with someone, you have no idea whether they are who they say they are. In fact, thanks to artificial intelligence, you can’t even be sure that you’re interacting with a real human being at all.

It is important to confirm that you are in contact with the person you should be. Even if the person is who they say, you should also take their claims and promises with a pinch of salt. ..

Use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) Whenever Possible

Two-factor authentication is a security method where you use a different channel as the second part of your password. It’s one of the best ways these days to protect your accounts from hackers. So, for example, you might receive a one-time PIN through your email account or as a text message to a registered number when you log into a service. With “2FA” getting your password stolen isn’t enough for the bad guys to access your account.

2FA is a security measure that helps protect your email and phone passwords from being accessed by criminals. It’s also a good way to reduce the chances that you’ll be targeted in random attacks.

Dealing With Hackers

Hackers are people who use their knowledge of computers to break into systems and steal information. They can do this for fun or for profit. If you’re a business owner, you need to be aware of hackers and how to protect your systems from them. ..

Types Of Hackers

Nowadays, most hackers are actually quite law-abiding. They just happen to be into computer security research and development.

White hat hackers are the ones who do the right thing, while grey hat hackers do the wrong thing. Black hat hackers are the ones who do the most damage.

ethical hackers are people who don’t break the law and do their work with the consent of their targets. For example, a company might want to test their network security and hire a white hat hacker to do a penetration test. If they manage to break in, they’ll steal nothing and help the client devise a fix for their security vulnerability.

Grey hat hackers are people who don’t deliberately do harm, but they can break the law in order to satisfy their curiosity or find holes in security systems. For example, a grey hat may do an unsolicited penetration test on someone’s system and then let them know about it afterwards. As the name suggests, grey hats can be criminal, but not malicious.

Most people think of black hat hackers when they hear the term “hacker.” These are malicious computer experts who are out to make money or simply sow anarchy. Black hat hackers are the boogeymen that most people think of when you use the word.

Be Aware of Social Engineering

This is why it’s so important for organizations to be aware of their users and their habits, and to take measures to protect themselves from hackers. By understanding the psychology of your users, you can create a system that is more resistant to attack.

Hackers often try to gain access to company networks by posing as technicians or authority figures. They may ask for information that is not obviously sensitive in order to gain access to more sensitive data. ..

There are social engineering techniques that can be done via text chat, in-person or in email.

Learn To Spot Harmful Emails

Email remains one of the most popular ways for malicious people to get at you. It’s perfect, because you can simply send off millions of emails and find a few lucrative victims through sheer volume. ..

The best way to avoid getting scammed is to be aware of the common scams and how to spot them. Any email that asks for money in exchange for something else, like a reward, should be ignored. This happens every year, where people lose millions of dollars because they fall for these scams. If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. ..

One way to avoid these scams is to be aware of the common scams and to look for similar ones that have been reported. There will likely be a scam already on the record that you can avoid.

Phishing emails are emails that look like they are from a trusted source, but in reality they are scams. They may look like an email from your bank, the government, or a trusted friend. The goal of the scammer is to get you to give away your personal information, such as your username and password. If you do this, the scammer can use this information in further attacks.

A phishing email usually has a link in it that leads to a fake website, meant to look like your online banking facility or some other site you have an account with. Thinking you’re on the real site, you enter your user name and password, handing it directly to people who should not have it. ..

If you’re ever targeted in an email, be sure to check the sender’s identity. They might be trying to phish you out.

Never click on links in unsolicited emails. Always navigate to the site yourself and make sure the web address is correct. Spear phishing attempts can be thwarted by using a second channel to verify it. ..

If you think you may have received a fraudulent mail, don’t hesitate to call your bank or the police. ..

Be Extra Cautious When Away From Home

Hackers are people who use their skills to take advantage of people, whether it’s through stealing information or breaking into systems. They can be found anywhere, and often work in pairs or teams.

There are a number of ways to protect yourself from hackers, but one of the most important things you can do is be aware of what they’re trying to do and how to avoid them. If you see someone trying to get your personal information, don’t give it to them. Instead, report it to the police or security company that you trust.

There is a common threat of public WiFi that anyone who is on the same WiFi network as you can see the information your device is sending and receiving. They may even get access to your device directly if it’s not configured properly somehow.

Public WiFi networks are not always secure, so it is important to use a VPN and firewall to protect your data. ..

Be careful when using public USB devices. never stick a found flash drive into your own computer or a work computer. Hackers often leave infected drives with spyware around hoping that someone will plug it into their computer, giving them access.

Public charging spots are dangerous because you can’t rely on the USB cable to provide power and data when charging from unknown sources. You should use a USB cable that can only provide power and not data when charging from unknown sources. Just in case the charger has been replaced with a hacked one.

Dealing With Malicious Software

Malicious software includes viruses, spyware, adware, trojans and various other subtypes of nasty software packages. These programs can damage your computer and invade your privacy. We’ll go over each type of malicious software and then also cover how to either avoid or fix the issue. ..

Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are pieces of software that can spread from one computer to the next through disks, drives and email. Viruses usually tack themselves on to another legitimate program and execute their code when you run that program. ..

A virus can have a payload, which is something that the virus itself has. This could be something harmless or mildly irritating, like a message that pops up to laugh at you or it could be serious. For example, a virus that completely wipes all your data.

The good news is that viruses cannot spread themselves. They need help from you! The first and most important safeguard is antivirus software. Windows Defender, which comes with Windows 10, is perfectly adequate for most people, but there are many choices out there. While macOS and Linux viruses exist, these markets are relatively small, so virus creators don’t bother too often. ..

That’s changing however, and if you do use one of these operating systems it’s a good idea to find an antivirus package you like, before their increasing popularity brings a flood of new opportunistic viruses.

Don’t stick your USB drives into any old computer you come across.Especially public machines. You should also be very wary of running software you find on the internet that’s not from a reputable source. Pirated software, apart from being illegal, is a hotbed of viruses and other malware.


A Trojan is a program that is designed to steal data or to cause harm to the user’s computer. They are often distributed through email, and can be disguised as a legitimate program or utility. Trojans can differ from viruses in that they are standalone programs and don’t self-replicate.

Antivirus software is constantly updating its database of known malware signatures, but this can be difficult to do as new malware variants are created all the time. This means that it’s possible for a few new threats to slip through undetected. In general, it’s best to avoid running software from sources you don’t completely trust. ..


Ransomware is a particularly nasty form of malware that can do serious damage to your computer. Once infected with ransomware, it quietly begins encrypting and hiding your data, replacing it with dummy folders and files with the same name. Ransomware authors have different approaches, but usually the malware will encrypt files in locations that are likely to have important data first. Once it’s encrypted enough of your data, there will be a popup demanding payment in exchange for the encryption key.

Don’t ever pay ransom to ransomware creators! In some cases you can get previous versions of important files by checking the Volume Shadow Copy. However, the most effective way to protect yourself against ransomware is to store your most important files in a cloud service such as DropBox, OneDrive or Google Drive. ..

Even if encrypted files get synced back to the cloud, these services all offer a rolling backup window. So you can go back to the moments before the files were encrypted. This turns a ransomware attack from a major disaster into a mild annoyance. ..


Worms are a type of malware that can be created by worms that can enter through unprotected ports. Worms can roam around and enter through other software programs, which makes them more difficult to detect and remove from a machine.

Worms are a problem these days, but it’s important to have a software firewall on your computer and/or router. Always keep your software and operating system up to date. Additionally, it’s important to have an antivirus program up to date. Keeping your computer and/or router clean is also a good idea.

AdWare & Spyware

Spyware, on the other hand, can be very harmful. It can track your activities and even steal your data. If you don’t want it tracking you, it’s best to uninstall it as soon as possible.

Remove the AdWare from your computer and it should be fine.

Spyware can often do little direct damage, but is more malicious in nature. This software monitors your activities and then reports back to its creators. This can involve recording your screen, watching you through your webcam, and logging all your keystrokes to steal passwords. This is a scary thing that you won’t even know is happening.

To prevent infection, you should use special malware removal apps to clean the computer and remove any infected files.

Browser Hijackers

Browser hijackers are a particular pain in the neck because they can take over your web browser and redirect you to pages that benefit the creator. Sometimes this means fake or dodgy search engines. Sometimes it means being redirected to fake versions of sites or pages filled with nasty adverts.

The bad news is that browser hijackers still exist and will continue to do so even if you use the same anti-malware software as before. If you’re running Windows 10, it’s best to be very careful about what programs you install, as they may require your permission to make changes thatBrowser hijackers need to work.

You’re The Most Important Part!

Cybersecurity is a complex and ever-evolving field, and it can be difficult to stay up-to-date on the latest threats. However, by reading up on the latest cybersecurity threats and practicing common sense safety principles, you can help protect yourself from becoming a victim. There is no such thing as perfect security, but that doesn’t mean you have to be a passive victim of cyber crime.