Do you really spend a third of your life doing nothing if you get around eight hours of sleep each day? ..

Lucid dreaming is a state of being where you are aware that you are dreaming and in a sense, being awake while sleeping. If you learn to induce lucid dreaming, you can take control of your dreams and even learn new skills while your body is getting rest. ..

Lucid dreaming is a state in which you are aware that you are dreaming and can control what happens in the dream. There are many ways to induce lucid dreaming, including using mobile apps. ..

What Is Lucid Dreaming?

Do you ever wish you could explore your dreams and choose where and when they take place? Apparently, this is possible with lucid dreaming. You can fly, go to space, become a record-breaking athlete, and talk to your dog – all while you’re sleeping. It’s like virtual reality, except there’s no limitation to where your mind can fly.

There are a few things you need to do in order to have a lucid dream. First, you should be relaxed and focused. Second, you should be aware of your surroundings. Third, you should be able to control your body and movements. Lastly, you should be able to think clearly and objectively.

What Are the Benefits of Lucid Dreaming?

If you’re interested in learning more about lucid dreaming, it can take a lot of time and patience to get there. However, the potential benefits are worth the effort.

Lucid dreaming is a form of dreaming that is different from normal dreams. In lucid dreaming, you are aware of what is happening in your dream and can control what happens. This can help you overcome past trauma or a phobia. If you are inclined to depression, lucid dreaming can help you deal with it through improving your self-awareness.

lucid dreaming can help you improve your creativity, original thinking, and physical skills. It’s also a safe way to try new things without any risks. ..

How To Induce Lucid Dreaming

lucid dreaming is a great way to use your time sleeping to improve your skills and talents. There are many different techniques you can use, and there are even apps for that! ..

Lucid Dreamer – For Performing Reality Checks

lucid dreaming is a state of consciousness where you are aware that you are dreaming. Reality checking is one of the most important aspects of lucid dreaming. Every now and then, you need to ask yourself whether you’re awake or dreaming, even during the day. If you fail the reality check, you’ll realize you’re dreaming and can try to take over that state. ..

Lucid Dreamer is an app that has a built-in Reality Checker. It will give you certain tasks like looking at yourself in the mirror, reading a book, or moving objects. You’ll get notifications to perform the task during the day to do it regularly. Once you build the habit out of it, when you’re alerted by the specific sound or vibration from the app you will perform the reality check in your dream and trigger the lucid dreaming state.

iOS: Download the app from the App Store. Android: Download the app from Google Play. ..

Dream Journal Ultimate – For Keeping Your Dream Journal

To become lucid in your dreams, you’ll need to remember them. Journaling can help you do that. ..

Dream Journal Ultimate is a free app that can help you track and analyze your dreams. You can keep your entries private or share them with the community. The app allows you to add tags and view dreams that are similar to yours. It can help you identify patterns and perform better reality checks the next time you’re dreaming.

You can use Dream Journal Ultimate to interact with other users and exchange your lucid dreaming experiences with them. ..

iOS: Download the app from the App Store. Android: Download the app from Google Play. ..

Binaural Beats Therapy – For Exercising WILD Technique

One popular lucid dreaming technique is called WILD (Wake Initiated Lucid Dreaming). It implies initiating a lucid dream as soon as you go to bed. Listening to binaural sounds or white noise right before you go to sleep can help you with that. It helps you fall asleep faster while keeping your mind conscious at the same time.

Binaural Beats Therapy is an app that has different sections with binaural sounds specifically meant to induce lucid dreaming, to help you relax during air travel, or to inspire creativity.

Listening to different sounds can help improve your sleep quality. Try listening to a sound that feels comfortable to you for a few nights and see if that results in better sleep. ..

Simple Habit – For Guided Meditation

Meditation can help you become more aware of your dreams and help you not freak out when you realize you’re dreaming.

The app Simple Habit is a free app that offers guided meditation. It offers recordings of different sessions by different themes and different goals. You can use the app to set the reminders to meditate daily or use its On The Go mode to hop on a quick session whenever you have a free minute.

The app offers a unique way to keep track of your fitness goals and progress. You can create a custom workout plan, or follow a preset routine. You can also share your workouts with friends and family, or track your progress on social media.

Take Up Video Gaming For Better Lucid Dreaming

Playing video games can help you achieve lucid dreaming, which is a state in which you are aware of your surroundings and can control your movements. Lucid dreaming requires the same skillset as playing video games, so picking your favorite games and starting practicing will help you achieve this goal.

Do you want to know how to lucid dream? If so, we want to hear from you! Share your lucid dreaming experiences with us in the comments below. ..