You could have a domain that has been around for 10 years, but has hosted different websites owned by different people over the years.

Domain age and site changes are two important factors to consider when evaluating a website. A blog I followed over a decade ago is now the corporate site for a startup because the original owner sold off the domain. Checking the domain age and seeing if the site has changed can help you make an informed decision about whether to invest time and money into it. ..

Check Domain Name Age

Domain Age Tool will give you the domain name and approximate age of the domain. ..

Domain Age Checker Another tool called Domain Age Checker will tell you when the domain name was created and give you the age of the domain. I found this second tool to be more accurate, at least for my own sites.

Whois lookup for domain name “” Domain created on: Thu, 01 Mar 2009 10:01:00 GMT Domain expire on: Thu, 01 Mar 2009 10:01:00 GMT

To see the age of a website regardless of who owned the site and what content it had, you can use a tool called WebCrawler. This tool is available on both public and private websites. ..

Check Age of Current Website You can also use the Wayback Machine to view archived versions of websites from the past, but this is a more tedious process.

The history of the website’s crawls can be seen in a timeline below. The blue circles indicate days when the website had a snapshot.

On the left is a snapshot of the website on January 1st, and on the right is what it looks like now. ..

OTT (over the top) is a newer way of delivering video content that has taken over in recent years. The snapshots are kind of random and there can be long periods where there are no snapshots, so you might not be able to drill down to the exact date that a website was changed, but it’s the closest you’ll get to figuring something like that out. ..

The two ways to check the age of a website are by using a tool like Google Adsense and checking the website’s age on its own.