1. Check the time of the snap.
  2. Check the location of the snap.
  3. Check if anyone was in the snap when it was taken.

In this article, we are going to discuss some of the things that we talked about in our previous article. We will also give you a few tips on how to improve your life. So, let’s get started!

EXIF Data Is Always The First Stop

Some cameras have a GPS unit that tags images with GPS coordinates. If the camera has this feature, then EXIF data can be found in the image. This data includes information about where the image was taken, such as latitude and longitude.

With these coordinates, you can easily find the photographer’s location in Google Maps. Simply input them into the search bar and you’ll be able to see where they were standing when their photo was taken.

There is no EXIF data in popular smartphone photos. Despite the fact that your phone has a GPS sensor, popular services such as Facebook and Twitter strip the data from images to prevent privacy violations. So if your image is sourced from these services it will be a dead end.

If you’re looking to remove EXIF data yourself, our article offers tips on how to do so as well as a few online EXIF viewers you can use. ..

Search GPS Coordinates On Google Map/Street View

To find the GPS coordinates for a location, you need to use Google Maps. However, if you want to get the coordinates in raw form, you can do this by using the Google Maps app.

Google has excellent instructions on how to do it, what format it should be in and how the method varies from one platform to the next. Just remember that GPS coordinates are not precise, at least not on civilian systems. So it may be out by a few meters.

I activated Street View for the location in question and then looked around to see if I could find the same spot the picture was taken from. Unfortunately, because the Street View team can’t reach the location, this won’t help much.

Reverse Image Search Can Give You Context

There are various online services that use various fancy ways to find where an image can be found on the internet. However, this does not always tell you where the photo was taken. If you are lucky, it may lead you to additional information about the image. ..

For those who run a site, tags, captions and contact information can help solve the mystery of where the photo was taken.

If you’re looking for good tools to find where a picture was taken, we suggest either Google or TinEye. ..

Convert The Image Into Search Terms

If you can’t find the original source of an image, it can be difficult to determine what caused it. Try using reverse image search terms to help you find the source.

Google search results for “snowflakes” show a variety of images, including one of a snowflake that has been photoshopped to look like it’s made of diamonds.

If you don’t find what you’re looking for right away, be creative with your keywords and try different iterations. Sometimes the keywords that get you to the image you wanted may be a little too far out of field.

Check For Landmarks Or Other Clues

If you can’t find the photo on any of the above methods, it might be time to put your detective hat on and look closely at the image for things that tie it to a specific time and place. By looking at clothing, objects, fashion and other relevant details of the image, you may be able to narrow down its whereabouts. ..

Looking up information about brands and their origins can help you narrow down the location of a photo to a specific country, region or city. For example, if you’re looking for a brand name, you can look up its specific location on Google.

Ask The Internet For Help

If you’ve exhausted the easier methods of finding a photo, then it might be helpful to ask other people for help. Twitter, Facebook, forums and other places where people gather online can be a good place to start.

To get the most out of your social media marketing, you need to be strategic about where you post your images. For example, if you want to promote your product in Japan, it’s important to find groups and forums that focus on Japanese geography and tourism. ..

Do you have a photo of the band or event? Let’s see if anyone knows the answer to our question!

Elementary, My Dear Watson?

Finding the origin of a photo can be quick and easy or an exercise in extreme frustration. This means that at some point in your hunt you’ll have to think carefully about what is more important: solving the puzzle or finding the original source. ..

If you’re just curious about a photo and it’s not really important, the best thing to do is just forget about it. But if you’re really interested in finding out the answer to a mystery photo, then the best way to do that is to be patient. Even if you don’t find the answer today, keep checking back because new information may surface.